2023 is the Year of Probiotics… Here’s Why

2023 is the Year of Probiotics… Here’s Why

New Year, New You?

When working on the new you and transforming your health, you should start with your gut health. Here’s why: your gut health is directly linked to other parts of your health.

While your diet and lifestyle habits can play a role in your gut health, sometimes we just need a little help. That’s where probiotics come in.

We’re claiming that 2023 is the year of probiotics!

Keep reading to get to know your gut and why you should consider implementing probiotics into your daily supplement regimen. 

Get to Know Your Gut

First things first, let’s get to know all about your gut and the bacteria that live there. Yes—bacteria. Don’t worry, it’s a good kind of bacteria! 

Bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microscopic living things that exist inside your intestines and on your skin are referred to as microorganisms or microbes. Fun fact: You have more bacterial cells in your body than human cells—You have roughly 40 trillion bacterial cells in your body versus only 30 trillion human cells.[1,2] 

The microbes found in your intestines are referred to as the gut microbiome or gut flora. Everyone has nearly 200 different species of microbes in their digestive tract.[3] While some are harmful to your health, there are many that are beneficial and necessary for your health.[4]

Your gut flora performs many functions that impact your health, like making vitamins, including vitamin K and a few B vitamins. 

It also helps your gut wall by turning fibres into short-chain fats that feed it. These fats also can help your metabolic functions and stimulate your immune system.[5,6,7,8,9

Unfortunately, your gut flora is extremely sensitive and, when unbalanced, can lead to a handful of health issues.[10,11] That’s where probiotics come in.

What are Probiotics?

Probiotics are live microorganisms that can help balance your gut and help get your gut flora to get back on track.[12] Many of these microorganisms in probiotics are about the same that naturally live in your body. 

You can find probiotics in fermented foods like yoghurt, or dietary supplements.

Types of Bacteria Found in Probiotics

There are a lot of different types of bacteria strains. However, there are two in particular that are common regarding probiotic supplements: Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. Additionally, some probiotics contain yeasts such as Saccharomyces boulardii

How to Find the Best Probiotics

It’s easy to get overwhelmed when searching for the right supplements for you—there are so many options out there. Here are a few things to keep in mind when shopping for probiotics:

High Count of CFUs (Colony Forming Units)

The number of CFUs can play a role in how effective the probiotic is. CFU refers to the amount of live and active microorganisms found in each serving. The microorganisms will begin to colonise the good bacteria in your digestive tract. 

You want a probiotic that has a dose that contains organisms in the billions. To achieve the optimum digestive and immune health benefits that probiotics can provide, make sure you have the correct amount of a proven strain. 

Pure Ingredients

Supplements that contain ingredients that have been scientifically studied and proven to work are ideal. Look for supplements that have pure, simple ingredients. It ensures you are getting all the benefits that probiotics have to offer.

Naturally Sourced Strains

Diversity is your friend. Multi-strain mixtures benefit you and your health since there is a broader range of effects and more mechanisms of action.[23] 

Find a probiotic with naturally sourced strains, that are vegan-friendly, non-GMO, and free of pesticides, artificial flavours, and dairy.


Delayed-release capsules make sure that the probiotic is realised in your gut where it will have the greatest effect, rather than breaking down in your stomach acid.

Contains Prebiotics

While prebiotics isn’t always in probiotics, they are definitely a great feature to consider. Prebiotics can help digestion and overall health by increasing the effectiveness of probiotics by fueling good bacteria. 

Made in the UK

Regulations on probiotics vary around the world. To be safe, we recommend only buying probiotics from UK-based brands that you trust.

Our Pick

Our very own Hey Nutrition Probiotic Complex checks all the boxes. 

Our Probiotic Complex is crafted with a unique formula that helps to establish optimal health where it matters most: in the gut. It effectively works on supporting immune health and your digestive enzymes, so you can establish body harmony and feel great every day. 

We believe in quality over quantity, which is why our Probiotic Complex contains only the highest-quality bacteria strains in professionally recommended doses. Each serving contains 20 billion CFUs of 7 probiotic strains that are clinically proven to work. Plus, we included Inulin—a prebiotic—to increase effectiveness.

Delayed-release vegan/vegetarian capsules help ensure the supplement is protected from harsh stomach acid and released in the intestines for maximum nutrient absorption.

Ready to try it out for yourself? Click here!


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Written by Samantha